Here’s my theory on weather people!
First of all let me start by saying it is 10 degrees here in Tulsa Oklahoma! That is colder than Alaska right now! Brrrrrr
So on to my theory… I grew up all over Gods Planet. I have lived in California, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, Kansas, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Germany, and England! I have traveled so many more places than I’ve lived and still my theory remains the same.
I would choose a tornado over a earth quake any day of the week. I think Hot rules over cold! Sunshine is a necessity and overcast sucks!
Let me explain! So growing up in the middle of this Grand Land I call home, I have seen with my own eyes a tornado. Tornados are horrible and they wreak havoc on whatever they touch but… you can run from then! Ok, no you can’t like put on your tennis shoes and out run a tornado and I don’t even recommend getting in your car and trying to get away… But you can go get in a storm cellar or under a overpass or in a ditch or in your bathtub for that matter and survive. Earthquakes on the other hand, you cannot get away from unless you just don’t live where they tend to happen! All though most of you know I was the fool on channel 6 this fall saying I felt the earthquake that happened in Oklahoma… Earthquakes also come without warning!! Tornadoes are preceded by a storm, a storm warning and if you are just ignorant to your surroundings and didn’t catch any of those warnings you will hear a distinct sign of a freight train and then you have about 2.4 seconds to hit the bathtub… RUN! SO I choose to live where tornadoes reside and not earthquakes!
Hot vs. Cold! Here’s the deal people! It’s very black and white for me! Being freezing cold HURTS!! Being hot in the summer does not hurt… it may be uncomfortable and you may sweat, but it doesn’t hurt to be hot… at least not when we are talking weather related… Also it is very simple to cool off… stand in front of a fan and even if you are sweating your but off you will immediately feel cooler! Cold on the other hand takes longer to feel better… if you are painfully cold and you stand in front of a fire, you are still cold. If you are freezing and you stand in a hot shower it hurts until your skin warms up! Cold is painful… bottom line! So I choose to live where about 9 months out of the year it is comfortable and not cold!
I won’t dig into the sun vs. cloud because it is self explanatory… Everyone is happier in the sunshine I am convinced of that! If not just look around you at people when its nasty and cold and rainy outside… people are grumpy and mean! So I will continue to get my sunshine therapy about once a month during the winter ( tan in a tanning bed ) and I promise you I will smile more when the temp in Oklahoma rises above 15…
Freezing Freaking Cold