I have prayed this pray a thousand times but today as I passed it in our hall I stopped and read it in a different light for the first time...
Here's my thoughts...
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change...
I work so hard to make things different in my world... worrying about if I'm being a good wife, is my house clean enough, is the laundry out of control, am I being a good Mom and do my kids know how much I love them, are my finances in line, am I working hard enough to make my employer happy and also make enough money, have I forgot a certain friend and not called them enough and they are mad at me...
I work so hard to make things different in my world... worrying about if I'm being a good wife, is my house clean enough, is the laundry out of control, am I being a good Mom and do my kids know how much I love them, are my finances in line, am I working hard enough to make my employer happy and also make enough money, have I forgot a certain friend and not called them enough and they are mad at me...
I truly thought about the word "serenity"... serene, peaceful, quiet, tranquil and still... None of my worries are this! The moreI try to change things around me the less tranquil and calm I am... I'm uptight, frustrated, loud, fidgety and anxious. I cant be a perfect wife, my house will always be a mess no matter how much I do, the laundry will always be piling up, my kids knew I loved them the second they were conceived and grew in my tummy, I make a good living and I must be doing something right because I work on commission and I am fine, my friends are just that... friends... if they are angry or upset because of whatever then they aren't truly friends...
The courage to change the things I can...
This lead me to the next line... I do make a difference and its about recognizing that, and having the courage to believe in myself...I am a good wife, I have a warm home not just a messy house. I have amazing kiddos that I adore and they love me no matter my faults. I have a roof over my head, food in my cabinets and a job to get up and go to every day. I must be good at my job because I work on commission and somehow every single month I have a decent paycheck. I have amazing friends that are there for me even if we don't talk every single day. I do make a difference in my world. I change things all the time and its not about having courage to change its about having the courage to trust myself.
The wisdom to know the difference.
Serenity and Courage... Peaceful quiet change & strength faith and trust...
There is a time and place for change and today I will stay calm and trust that when I need to do something different than what I'm currently doing, God will show me the direction I need to make a change and I will trust Him... quiet peaceful change that happens because of His wisdom and not my own.
Serene & Courageous