Let’s get some of my story out of the way… I think as time goes on you might wonder why I am the mixed up Hot Mess that I am… so let me explain…
Here is a little part of My Life… as I see it ;-))
My parents met in High School here in Tulsa. They both graduated in 1974 from Edison. My father went straight into the Navy after high school and my Mom enrolled in college at TU for all of one semester. He came home on a 3 day leave and Mom announced to my Grandparents that she was marrying my father while he was on leave and that the wedding needed to be planned in like a week or something crazy like that. My grandparents were the typical middle class couple, socially active in the right circles in Tulsa. Now their only child was dropping out of college to marry a hippy and move to California while he was gone on a submarine somewhere in the ocean… Lovely! They were NOT thrilled to say the least… But I am a result of that union so thank you Mom!
My Mom ended up prego with me shortly after the bliss began where she was all alone in San Diego with her new family outlaws and her new husband and I'm sure she felt a world away from little Tulsa Oklahoma where the world was safe.
So here is the first reason I’m probably a mess at times… My Mom has told me numerous times that back then (in the 70’s) the warning labels on cigarettes concerning pregnant women was the new big deal… but no one ever said it was a problem to smoke weed… it was natural and organic so surly it wouldn’t hurt the baby… REALLY!!! That just blows my mind… but apparently it didn’t blow it too much while I was forming in the womb because I didn’t come out twitching or anything… J J
My Mom & sperm donor moved back to Tulsa when I was 9 months old. I think him telling her he couldn’t wait to do drugs with his daughter when I turned 4 might have pushed her over the edge… or maybe it was the time he beat the hell out of her and she locked herself in the bathroom and crawled out the window to escape. The point of telling this “messiness” is to say Thank God (& Thank You Mom) I was NOT raised by that man and in that family! I am a firm believer that my life would not be where it is today had I not been removed from that situation. My father has since married the woman he was screwing while he was married to my Mom. They produced 3 children of their own that are very very sad humans contributing nothing to society. None of my half siblings have graduated high school, all have spent time in jail, all have had children that have been taken away, all are on welfare and all of them are drug users of some form or another!
My Mom & sperm donor moved back to Tulsa when I was 9 months old. I think him telling her he couldn’t wait to do drugs with his daughter when I turned 4 might have pushed her over the edge… or maybe it was the time he beat the hell out of her and she locked herself in the bathroom and crawled out the window to escape. The point of telling this “messiness” is to say Thank God (& Thank You Mom) I was NOT raised by that man and in that family! I am a firm believer that my life would not be where it is today had I not been removed from that situation. My father has since married the woman he was screwing while he was married to my Mom. They produced 3 children of their own that are very very sad humans contributing nothing to society. None of my half siblings have graduated high school, all have spent time in jail, all have had children that have been taken away, all are on welfare and all of them are drug users of some form or another!
When people say you are a product of your environment I truly believe that is a very valid statement… I met my father for the first time that I actually remember when I was 12 and I’ve seen him about a dozen times over the last 20+ years since. This story sounds very sad but believe me its not... it only gets better from here…

Signed ,
Mixed up - but Very Blessed - Hot Mess
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