I wish I had some crazy story to tell you this morning, but I don't... Life was pretty normal this weekend... well, as normal as it can be ( I'm not sure my normal is everyone elses normal ) considering its me...
This weekend started really on Thursday with the Lil sister Banana and her baby girl TayTay coming into town and hanging out with us all weekend... The highlight of the weekend was probably the Sugarland concert that I took her to on Saturday night!! Fun fun... it was such a big deal for her that the concert required the purchase of new boots... She made the comment that she now knows why she could never save any money when she lived with me, because I am a shopper! Now on that note I must defend myself and say that I am a frugal shopper... I don't think I have paid full price for a purchase ever! I will shop till I find the deal... so her lovely new boots were normally like $179, and she got them for $79... That's a huge bargain!!! I bought some too! Check out the attire!
So off to the Sugarland concert we went! Banana was like a little kid in a candy store! She had so much fun... she jumped up and down the entire show!! it was a blast! We sang at the top of our lungs... I suggested that Banana sing one of Sugerland songs when she was in a pageant in High School and she won!!! So, of course that was the best song ever to sing loud at the concert! We had great sister bonding times this weekend! Love my sisters... Banana is 14 years younger than I am and we have been so close despite the age difference... and her baby girl is amazing! Her hubby is deployed right now and she is living with her in laws and raising TayTay all alone... She is such an amazing young woman and I am so proud of her!!! When she was little she was kind of a wall flower, never showed her emotions or really even had a voice in our family... then she turned about 15 and she bloomed! She became a voice and she turned into a beautiful young lady! She entered pageants and won 1st runner up in the first one and then in the second one she won the whole thing... Little Miss Grady County! Amazing... her talent was singing and I suggested she sing Settlin' by Sugarland and she won!! So much fun to watch both of my little sisters become young ladies... So my Monday Morning Coffee talk was about sisters... Forever!
"If your sister is in a huge hurry to go out and cannot stop and look you in the eyes, she's wearing your shoes"
Big Sister
I love you !!!!!!!! i guess this means im pretty important if i get a whole blog about me :) love you lots thank you for a AMAZING weekend
Thank you!!!!
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