My Life Philosophy

Work like you don't need the money,

love like you've never been hurt &

dance like no one is watching!

Im Back!!!

I am back!!! I have not written on my blog in a few weeks... its been a wild and wacky few weeks... I have had doors close and others open, I have smiled and I have cried... The world has tried to eat my lunch and yet I have eaten it back and in the mean time I think Ive gained 5 lbs... So, for my faithful readers let me first say I'm sorry I dropped off the blog planet and I will now try to take little pieces of my past few weeks and catch you up!! So here it goes in no certain order and honestly I don't really remember what came first or last... Hold on, its a roller coaster ride!!

When this baby girl came into my life she was a little 6 year old and just a few weeks ago she got her drivers liscense... Ri Ri, Riley Roo, Sister and Daughter... you have grown and matured and have always made me proud... I am blessed to have you in my life and I am a better & a more whole Mom because of you my little Riley Roo... I love you... remember this sister... You are carrying very precious cargo when you drive so please please drive safely!!! My prayer for you

Regarde St Christophe et va-t-en rassuré

Beautiful flowers from Craigs funeral...

 My sweet and gentle Uncle Craig passed away... he was a brother a son a father (to one of my favorite baby boy cousins) a cousin a friend and a blessed man... He made everyone around him smile, he served our country, he fished and he hunted... David Craig Warner will be missed and is loved...

Good Fellows
(right to left, top to bottom) Matt, Evin, Natalie, Drew, Wendolyne
Julien, Jenifer
Bitter sweet was this gathering of cousins... it makes me sad to say that it doesn't happen unless someone passes away, but non the less it was awesome! My daughter got to met cousins she has never met... I got to know the baby cousin Natalie who is now a amazing young woman... I met my little cousin Drew's beautiful new wife Wendolyn and I love love love her, great pick Drew!!! I saw my little cousin Matthew who I haven't seen in 3 years and we use to be very close ( that was awesome ) and I spent quality time with Ian who I haven't had a adult conversation with in my whole life because we live so far apart... I got to hug my cousin Julien and hopefully-maybe make him smile during a time of horrible pain while he buried his Daddy...
Julien and Matt

Ian & Julien


Last day of school 2010-2011 First Grade for my Bubby!!
Somewhere along the way my little baby boy finished his last day of First Grade... Oh Geezzz... he is way to stinking cute to have gotten into so much trouble this year... I took him McDonalds on his last day of school, ate lunch with him and let him hang the happymeal toys from my earrings! He's a NUT... and I love that sweet little NUT!!!

I spent the evening helping out my B-I-L and S-I-L John and Stacie with their fun fun photo booth at Cascia Hall Grad Fest... Lots of fun and grateful to help out family with their business... go check them out!!!

LIKE them on Facebook

Somewhere in the middle of all this craziness Jenifer has had "away games" for softball on her competitive team, fundraising for her school team state champ rings and I have gone to a few booster club meetings where I somehow ended up as the Secretary for Softball Booster Club... Oh the things we do for our kiddos... :-)
Gracie Lou Freebush (that crazy yellow lab we have called ours for almost 10 years now) decided that it would add some spice to my life to plan a play date with a skunk around midnight on the one evening that Wilkie was out of town... It smelled so bad that it didn't even smell like a skunk... it actually smelled like something was burning and after checking everything out in and around the house I felt it necessary to make the kids leave the house and call ONG...

Yeahhhh... No... No gas leak Blondie just a good ole' Okie Skunk and a lab... the skunk won that game!!! Yuck!!!

The Chininea on "The Porch"
I tried a couple times to get some "Porch Time" squeezed in just to keep me sain... It worked.. Im still sain... as of right now :-)
My Great Grandmother "Mamaw" fell and broke her hip... she is the 4ft nothing little lady who is full of spit and vinegar and this might set her back a notch or two :-((   She is 94 years old and in a few days it will be her 95th Birthday... Please keep my sweet Mamaw in your prayers... Love you Mamaw...

Storms and tornadoes and lots of rain... we have spent a few evenings glued to the TV, calling family and friends to check on their well being while praying for our own safety... Unfortunately we have friends that have lost their family cabins and Riley's grandma in Joplin lost her home but is safe... The weather in Oklahoma has been nuts and now its over 90 degrees... Oh, and my AC is on its last leg in my car... :-D 

Its official, I have Stopped "Thinkin Arby's" :-( Bitter Sweet departure from USB but the statement that God closes one door because HE has another one opening for you" is very very true... I have departed a great job where I loved loved loved the friendships formed, to a career where I am excited about the future and the potential... So excited and I will give you all more details on a later blog...
Life has taken some ups and some downs but I will remain the same... helping others makes me happy, staying busy keeps me sane, and loving my family completes me...

Stronger woman because of life!!


Tiffany said...

Good grief, Ronnie! No wonder you haven't been blogging! I can't believe you are leaving USB--what is Sara going to do without you?? I'll be praying for your family--seems like you guys have been deailing with a lot!


Anonymous said...

Sara is going CRAZY without my little Ronnie! So, to my dear friend Ronnie Sara Bear needs to have a girls day with you :) Can't believe you were in Dewey last weekend and you did not let me know ahead of time, so I could come hang out, watch Jen play ball and see my family all in one fell swoop! Miss you girl!

melmckee3 said...

You are AWESOME Ronnie! Super Woman comes to mind! I am happy & proud to be able to call you my friend :) As always, I love reading your blogs

xoxoxoxo Melissa

Jenks Mom said...

Thank you girls so very very much!! SaraBear I miss you like crazy, and Tiff you need to start packing and move your Arsh to OK... Mel, you are special to me and I am blessed to call you friend!! Thanks for the encouragement ladies!!!