This weekend was a busy work and fun weekend for me personally! Wenie was gone to a softball tourney in Jefferson City Mo and the rest of us were home.
Friday night I stayed home with the boys and grilled steaks watched them play catch and hit in the yard… I had a few beers and sat by the chiminea with Wilkie… That’s a boy’s night if ever wanted one, but I love my boys and enjoyed the quiet evening…
Then Lil Man had a baseball game that afternoon… They kicked butt and took names!
Saturday night was a night out on the town with SaraBear from the office for the big Kenny Chesney concert!!! WoooHooo… put my $hit Kickers on and went out for some good tunes, singing at the top of my lungs and then dancing afterwards with the girls!! We had a blast!
So… Here is where the crazy Monday Morning Coffee story really begins…
Remember that Wenie was gone all weekend? I had a brief look into what my life looks like without her in it!! Wow!!! Wake up to my life with just the boys…
The crazy boys in my life LOVE WWE wrestling… I mean LOVE it! I think it is the dumbest thing I’ve ever ever laid eyes on… you can’t even compare that craziness to a soap opera because it doesn’t even mimic real life…
So apparently the highlight of WWE is this pay per view even called Wrestle Mania… $39.99 to watch this 4 hour long event… and my boys were pumped! They specifically requested Toss Taco’s for dinner… That is a Wilkie growing up favorite… it’s like a bad twist on a taco salad… instead of corn chips there are crushed Fritos, and instead of salsa there is ketchup, oh and NO BEANS… Lil Man has a countdown going on!! He tell me “Mom should you start dinner, Wrestle Mania is in 3 hours and I want my plate in my lap and ready to go when it starts!!” Seriously… this is Big Dog Guy’s night… Lil Man starts fetching beers for Wilkie and they are both walking around the house going “WOOOOOO… and slapping each other and saying “doooffff” when they whack each other’s chest…
6 o’clock comes and dinner is served… I remove myself from the living room and take my dinner and wine to the only safe place in the house… My bedroom… I get out my laptop and start trying to write… The Dutchess calls and while we are girl talking about our weekend evens she asks “what is that noise in the back ground?” … … … “That, I tell her, is the decibels coming from the living room where the boys are having Wrestle Mania!!”
At this point I’m out… I look up movies on the internet and in my PJ’s I walk out the front door and head to the movies alone… I didn’t get home till almost midnight and Wenie is not due back till 4 AM!! So I doze in and out listening to my hubs snore waiting for the front door to open and for my sidekick to come home… Ahhhh… I NEED a girl in the house with me! That crazy boy weekend (except for the Chesney concert) was almost more than I could handle….
OMG… what am I going to do when she leaves for college?????? I’m in a panic…. And I’m running on 2 hours sleep!
Thank God for Coffee!
Tired Mom
Remember that Wenie was gone all weekend? I had a brief look into what my life looks like without her in it!! Wow!!! Wake up to my life with just the boys…
The crazy boys in my life LOVE WWE wrestling… I mean LOVE it! I think it is the dumbest thing I’ve ever ever laid eyes on… you can’t even compare that craziness to a soap opera because it doesn’t even mimic real life…
So apparently the highlight of WWE is this pay per view even called Wrestle Mania… $39.99 to watch this 4 hour long event… and my boys were pumped! They specifically requested Toss Taco’s for dinner… That is a Wilkie growing up favorite… it’s like a bad twist on a taco salad… instead of corn chips there are crushed Fritos, and instead of salsa there is ketchup, oh and NO BEANS… Lil Man has a countdown going on!! He tell me “Mom should you start dinner, Wrestle Mania is in 3 hours and I want my plate in my lap and ready to go when it starts!!” Seriously… this is Big Dog Guy’s night… Lil Man starts fetching beers for Wilkie and they are both walking around the house going “WOOOOOO… and slapping each other and saying “doooffff” when they whack each other’s chest…
6 o’clock comes and dinner is served… I remove myself from the living room and take my dinner and wine to the only safe place in the house… My bedroom… I get out my laptop and start trying to write… The Dutchess calls and while we are girl talking about our weekend evens she asks “what is that noise in the back ground?” … … … “That, I tell her, is the decibels coming from the living room where the boys are having Wrestle Mania!!”
At this point I’m out… I look up movies on the internet and in my PJ’s I walk out the front door and head to the movies alone… I didn’t get home till almost midnight and Wenie is not due back till 4 AM!! So I doze in and out listening to my hubs snore waiting for the front door to open and for my sidekick to come home… Ahhhh… I NEED a girl in the house with me! That crazy boy weekend (except for the Chesney concert) was almost more than I could handle….
OMG… what am I going to do when she leaves for college?????? I’m in a panic…. And I’m running on 2 hours sleep!
Thank God for Coffee!
Tired Mom
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