My Life Philosophy

Work like you don't need the money,

love like you've never been hurt &

dance like no one is watching!


TGIF... So my challenge for YOU is to Kiss Someone in the Rain today!!! If you haven't ever done it, today is your day... It's on my bucket list and it's  one of the few items that's actually marked off ;-)   Go for it peeps...

Its soooo rainy and cool outside on this spring day... I love it !!! I am still in my Jammies and its 1 o'clock... Be jealous, be very jealous!!! Have a wonderful Friday...

Lazy ;-X


Tiffany said...

It's on MY bucket list too!! I can't wait to check that off....of course right now I have no boy to kiss and I live in the desert.....I may have to wait a little while! ;)


Jenks Mom said...

Hence another reason you need to move here!!!