My Life Philosophy

Work like you don't need the money,

love like you've never been hurt &

dance like no one is watching!


I am TGIF today because I have a 4 hour work day and that's savin' me on this weekday after thinkin' I can hang with with the cool kids and stay out till 2 AM on a school night... This old lady can NOT hang like last night unless I want to be HUNG the next day...

Riddle me this Batman...????

I don't remember hangovers when I was young... Are hangovers like child birth????????? You conveniently forget the pain so you can do it all over again like a blithering idiot... (Is that a word? Must be since spell check didn't kick it back)

In the words of a dear friend...


So here is how it all started...

And today I needed some of THIS!!
BBD II (Brookside By Day 2)


Conveniently Forgetful

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Think you could reach over here and rub Louise's neck a little .... it might help my hurt locker ... jus sayin.