My Life Philosophy

Work like you don't need the money,

love like you've never been hurt &

dance like no one is watching!

Monday Morning Coffee Confessions

I am scared to death! There... I said it!

A week from today I will be in Colorado with my daughter and my sweet niece... I am so excited and cant wait BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be camping the first two nights and I have to tell you I'm a little scared... I haven't camped since I was a child and I'm going got be alone with two teenagers! It should be a blast. We are whitewater rafting on Tuesday afternoon... We are staying in a campground where there is showers and bathrooms and individual tent sites... so I'm not really that worried... I guess I'm just nervous that I will have forgotten something important and it will be a disaster...

Me to Wenie - "But I promise we will have great memories and pictures to prove it"
I grew up out in the country roughing it and I'm not worried at all to be out in Mother Nature... I'm actually pretty excited to have fun and make some memories with my daughter Wenie and the cousin Du... I'm just feeling a bit ill prepared... I keep making list and lists and lists of things to take with us... Maybe if I just trust my gut and pack and go it will all be fine! I'm sure it will... do you hear me trying to convince myself that everything will be okay?

So... if you have advise I am going to take it...please post any and all !!!

Here's the situation... Monday night camping in a tent on a camp site that has individual tent sites, each has a fire pit and a bear box (Eeekkkkk)... we will be there for 2 nights! I have a tent, lantern, blowup mattress, Coleman stove and THAT'S IT!!!

Just some fun pics Wenie and I took this weekend... Enjoy!!


Camping Princesses'


Tiffany said...

You should talk to Lyndse. She said today that she was going "real camping" over 4th of July, only to explain that she would be in a fifth wheel. We had a long chat about how that did not constitute real camping!


ENIGMA said...
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BennyJacobs said...

Take a couple bottles of wine!

Jenks Mom said...

Believe you me... The wine is already onnice and I ALWAYS carry a opener in my car... :-)