My Life Philosophy

Work like you don't need the money,

love like you've never been hurt &

dance like no one is watching!

Kids + Dogs = Memories!

I have been stuck at home for the past 3 days surrounded by 14 inches of snow and snow drifts 4 ft tall... I have also been sick as a dog and so has my daughter!

Now to top this wonderfulness off, my husband has been gone for 2 of the three days and my rambunctious completely unsupervised son has gone through 4700 different outfits as he has come in and out of the wonderland we now call Snowklahoma! Jen and I have just sneezed, and coughed and moaned and groaned on the couches while this crazy blizzard has swirled around us ( that is Seth I am talking about )...

In all this blurr of the past few days I have been thinking about blogging, and how I have missed so many good stories over the past month and how can I possible catch you all up!!! So I wont try...

While I have been stuck at home my email and my Facebook have been my constant touch with the outside world... My Mom sent me some really cool old family photos today and I cant wait to share them with everyone! So here is the first!

That is me at the ripe old age of about 3 with my all time favorite dog ( well my grandparents dog ) named CinnieSue... Here is where my love of weenie dogs started! ( kick dogs, as my husband so lovingly calls them - cause they get under his feet and he just wants to kick them, hense the reason we have two huge labs! ) 

My Grandmaw and Bappy lived out in the country in their dream home which they build by hand with the help of friends and family. I stayed with them A LOT! I think I would have lived with them... Not because I didn't love and wouldn't have missed my Mom, but because I was completely in love with my grandparents and their life! If you know me you know how close we were and how much they meant to me... and how dearly I miss them!

CinnieSue and I played outside in the woods, the sand box and in the rock garden every chance we got! She was the coolest dog ever! She could spot a snake from a mile away and would go bananas barking... by the time my Grandmother got her pistol out of her purse ( yes she carried a concealed weapon way before it was legal ) and went outside to kill the snake it was usually gone due to the barking and harassing that CinnieSue had accomplished! My Grandmother was deathly afraid of snakes and I knew this... she would make me go in the house and then she would go outside (eyes closed) and she would open them just long enough to spot the snake, and then she would take aim... she kept her eyes closed and shot... She shot a snake out of a tree one time! I think she probably missed most of the time and the snakes were scared to death of the crazy gun wielding lady with the dogs and the short sidekick! I once saw a lizard on the back patio and decided it would be the highlight of the day to watch Grandmaw freak out... so I started screaming "SNAKE, SNAKE" !!! She came running out of the house, gun in hand yelling "WHERE WHERE" ( eyes closed ) when she opened her eyes and saw me pointing to a little green and blue lizard bathing in the sun... the gun lowered and she turned around and looked back at me... CINNIE & I RAN!!! Up to my room and under the bed where we both hid all afternoon!

Now that I'm older I realize that time in the world of a child stands still and in my adult life now it flies by! So I'm sure it was probably after 5 when the snake (lizard) episode happened and my grandfather (Bappy) walked in the door from work 30 minutes after I hid under my bed, but in my child timeline I was under my bed hiding from the crazy gun wielding snake hating lady for hours and hours!

Bappy opened the door and said something along the lines of: "Ronnie Lynn... your not in trouble... come out... your Grandmaw's not in here... its safe"... I remember him explaining to me that it wasn't nice to try and scare Grandmaw and that I had to go hug her and apologize... then I remember him laughing and hugging me and making me promise to never ever tell Grandmaw he was laughing because it was NOT funny... I never told her...

I told CinnieSue, but she never told either! See she was my partner in crime! She had barked at that stupid little lizard like it was a huge Copperhead snake! We were buddies... best buddies!

I miss them all... My Bappy was the man in my life that was always my biggest fan, even when I was wrong... My Grandmaw took care of me most of my little girl years and all of my precious memories are because of her... My puppy CinnieSue, the best weenie dog of all times!

CinnieSue's Best Friend and Loved Granddaughter

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