My Life Philosophy

Work like you don't need the money,

love like you've never been hurt &

dance like no one is watching!

My own personal sunrise... :-)

So I asked God to PLEASE stop with the pillow fighting over our heads and Thanked Him for painting me a personal fabulous sunrise! Then I asked him to send in the rain to help grow my walk with Him... And He did!!! It's rainy and overcast in T-town today and I am loving it!!! Thank you for making our lives so different everyday... It keeps us sensitive to our surroundings and even though I may have favorites I will still appreciate the variety God shows us here on planet earth!!!! Have a Great Rainy Day Friends!!!!

Signed, Appreciative

P.S. I posted this in the morning and of course now it's beautiful and sunny outside... Again I have to say thanks for the variety in my world!


Tiffany said...

Sara told me you had a blog when I was visiting last weekend, so I had to come check it out! LOVE this picture!


Jenks Mom said...

Thanks Tiff... I love your blog! You are doing great at the photography! Keep it up girlfriend!