My Life Philosophy

Work like you don't need the money,

love like you've never been hurt &

dance like no one is watching!

TGIF... Softball Sushi & Sugarland

Thank God its Friday for several reasons...

First of all because this Friday marks the beginning of the end of Basketball season... I am a Hoops Widow to a basketball official. (see him in the back ground) He works so hard over the course of 4 months that by the end of the season... He is exhausted, I am exhausted for him and the kids miss him. I forget until basketball season rolls around how much he helps in our family to keep it all together and be there for the kiddos! Thank you dear... we miss you and are looking forward to having you back!

Second I am soooo excited about this weekend!!! My Lil' Sister Banana is in town with her little girl TayTay and we are hanging out! Sister weekend!!! Last night we did In the Raw Sushi and Hockey... Tonight is just chill out night and Saturday night Banana and I are going to Sugerland concert!!! Sooo excited that its Friday

Lynie, Banana and Me from last night's dinner

I have a family of two generations of kids, the first one was my older sister ( 3 years older ) then me, then one year younger sister Mel... 12 years later they started again! Lynie then Banana... I watched the two younger ones be born into this world and they are like my kids... I helped so much growing up with them, and both of them lived in my home with me at one point or another when they were teenagers... I am the big sister but if you ask them I am also like mom sometimes too... Anywho... the youngest is now 20 years old, that's Banana and then Lynie is 23...

This weekend is Wenie's first softball tourney and this afternoon is her first slow pitch game at the school... Softball season is officially started!!!

I am also excited its Friday because I want a glass of vino after I get out off work. My Friday afternoon lunches are such a safe quiet and relaxing place in my week... I look forward to them!

Big Sister, Wife and Mom

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