My Life Philosophy

Work like you don't need the money,

love like you've never been hurt &

dance like no one is watching!

Top Two Tuesday...

So the prompt for this week was something I was totally uninterested in so I am going out on my own and just going to tell you about my Top Two! My babies…

Jenifer was born in 96 and she was a surprise to me… I was very involved in school and sorority life but God had other plans for my life and I wouldn’t change it at all!!! When I was pregnant with her everyone kept asking what I wanted and my answer was so easy and immediate for me… A little Girl (I grew up with 5 girls in my house… Duhh… No boys allowed!) with blonde curly hair and big blue eyes! That’s it… simple… I got EXACTLY what I wished for! I wasn’t scared to be a Mom since I had helped with my little sisters and was even in the room when they were born… I was excited and naïve! Isn’t that the way a first time parent is suppose to be is excited and clueless about what is getting ready to hit them? I got soooo much more than I ever wished for… she not only has blonde curly hair and big blue eyes but she is smart and healthy… she is witty and has a great sense of self… She has calm and at the same time has a self motivation that I never had… She is everything I hoped for and more and I am blessed to call her my friend and my daughter… We named her after a building her Dad and I saw in D.C., my BFF college roommate and sorority sister as well as her Dad said he only knew pretty girls with that name… So on delivery day, I had a C-section which included Morphine, I didn’t know it would cause amnesia in me! Day 2 I was alone in the hospital room filling out the birth certificate paperwork and I thought… Humm, don’t remember which middle name we picked out… I’ll just put down both Jordan and Lee… I remember the first name and I filled it out! Little did I know that I had spelled it wrong… So one “N” ended up being correct but the “J” was suppose to be a “G”… Oh well… Jenifer Jordan Lee Caudle is a great kid and I love her sooo much! I was thrilled with one kid and never thought I wanted anymore… how could I do this twice so perfectly? Right???

FF>> 7 years… One divorce, many boyfriends and single Mom life later and I met my new hubs and remarry…

Lil Man was born in 03 and he was planned… well…planned as far as we wanted a baby but NOT planned as far as his lil self is concerned… nothing would ever prepare us for this little guy and the crazy love that he brought into our lives! I had tried to talk 3 different Dr’s into tying my tubes but no one would do it because I was too young, I never thought I wanted another baby… I am sooo very thankful that we did… he brings such joy and energy into our lives I can’t imagine life without my lil bear… I was a little older and wiser so this time when people asked what I wanted my answer was a little different! I wanted a baby that was healthy… that’s it! I had realized that eyes and hair and sex didn’t make a bit of difference if your child wasn’t healthy… Remember the “No boys Allowed” ??? We haven’t had a boy born in my family in 5 generations! The only men allowed in this family are the ones we marry in and the ones us women deem special enough to be a part of our family of girls… Oh and we can and will kick them out if we see fit! Again God had other plans for my happy little life… I was having a BOY! What??? He is a little bear and he has more energy than me… he is very smart and hansom… he came into this world looking like a little old man and for good reason… he has a very old soul… I remember my Great grandmother (on the other side of the family, the one side that has boys) telling me that if I was ever blessed with a baby boy that I would experience the biggest heartbreak of my life. She said I would fall head over heels in love with my son that no matter what happened I would end up heartbroken because eventually he would leave for the love of a woman and it wouldn’t matter how wonderful she might be it would break my heart… I thought she was crazy! She was and is very very correct! I can’t imagine my lil Man loving anyone other than Me!!! He is my pride and joy and he loves him some Momma!  We decided to name him with the same initials as his Daddy and two Aunts… S.C.W… after much deliberation over names it was decided Seth Christian Wilkins would be his name because of the meaning.
Seth - - Anointed One… and Christian - - Christ follower… That was easy!  

I don’t think I will ever be able to do a better Top Two Tuesday…

Mom of Lil Man and Wenie

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Love love love this!
